Broadcash feat. Bobby Solo Broadcash plays Cash featuring Bobby Solo

October 2018
10″ print run: 300 copies

Etichetta: Area Pirata


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Broadcash feat. Bobby Solo Broadcash plays Cash featuring Bobby Solo

(Everyone knows Johnny Cash – he’s an icon. Love for the Man in Black comes in many forms anyway he’s unforgettable. His

personality preceded his musical career, spanning over 50 years of American history and adding a dose of danger – a must-have ingredient of country and rock’n’roll. He’s played in front of jailbirds and collaborated with the greats – including Bob Dylan and Joe Strummer – always maintaining his distinctive style.

This year is the 50th anniversary of the release of Live at Folsom Prison (a song weaved into Cash’s identity) and the perfect occasion to celebrate it, with the advent of a new group: Bobby Solo and BroadCash, a group which has played the Johnny Cash songbook for 10 years throughout Italy, keeping the Sun Records roots alive.

Bobby Solo needs no introduction. A huge fan of country and rock’n’roll, he was one of the first to bring the music to Italy throughout his long career. Asked about Johnny Cash, Bobby reminisces: “Ah, Johnny…I met him at the Rammstein American base in Germany in the 1960s. He was playing with the Carter family, with the Statler Brothers on vocals and Carl Perkins on guitar. He was magnetic”.

He met BroadCash in a sold out, sweaty gig in Pisa where he was the guest star. A bond started followed in quick succession by the recording of four old-school songs: I Walk the Line, Cry Cry Cry, Folsom Prison Blues and Big River, released on limited-edition vinyl on the Area Pirata label. Four songs born in the hills and the fields which unite Italy and the USA, a heartfelt tribute which will raise the roof at the next show)Johnny Cash everyone knows him, he is one of those names that have become an icon. There are those who love him for having revolutionized country’n’roll in the 1950s, those who adore him for the duets with his wife June Carter, those who cannot do without to listen to the recordings made as a seventy-year-old with Rick Rubin, those who have the poster at home in which he shows the middle finger, those who have always believed him better than Elvis, those who met him thanks to the film Walk the Line and, those who sing only the chorus of Ring of Fire, but he still doesn’t forget it.

A great character even before being a great musician, he crossed 50 years of American history with his music, adding that dose of danger that must never be missing in country and rock’n’ roll. He played in front of convicts, he collaborated with the greatest, from Bob Dylan to Joe Strummer, always maintaining his own stylistic signature.

This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of the legendary album Live at Folsom Prison, more than a song, Johnny Cash’s identity card and the occasion is perfect to celebrate it with a never-seen combo: Bobby Solo and BroadCash , the band that has been playing Johnny Cash’s songbook throughout Italy for 10 years while maintaining the roots sound of the years at Sun Records.

Bobby Solo needs no introduction and to say that he is a country and rock’n’roll enthusiast would almost do him injustice. In his very long career he was one of the first to import that music into Italy and if you ask him about Johnny Cash you hear the answer “Ah, I met Johnny at the American Rammstein base in Germany in the 60s. He played with the Carter family, the Statler Brothers on backing vocals and Carl Perkins on guitar. He was magnetic.” That’s enough.
Bobby is no stranger to celebrations of the origins of country and rock, just look back at the beautiful 1966 album “The Songs of the West” or the interpretation of Hank Williams’ song “Ramblin’ man” with Guano Padano to understand his passion .
Publicly he seems like a crooner linked to the ’60s, only because on TV they always make him sing “Una lacrima sul viso”, “Se piangi, se ridi”, “Zingara”, and at most a classic rock’n’roll: but Bobby he is completely crazy and rebellious. Out of every mold, he doesn’t like to be conformed, an anarchist, he lives only for music, the guitar, the amplifiers.

He met BroadCash (Yari Spadoni: acoustic guitar and vocals, Matteo Gioli: electric guitar, Francesco Lazzerini: double bass and Lorenzo Cotrozzi: drums) in a fiery concert in Pisa where he was the guest star and from that day an elective affinity was born resulting in the recording of four old school pieces: I Walk the Line, Cry Cry Cry, Folsom Prison Blues and Big River, published in a limited edition strictly on vinyl by the Area Pirata label. Four rides in the hills and lands that ideally unite Italy with the United States, for a wholehearted tribute that will also make the tables dance during the next shows.

Bobby Solo : Vocals
Matteo Gioli : Electric Guitar
Francesco Lazzerini : Doublebass
Yari Spadoni : Acoustic Guitar, Vocals on Folsom Prison Blues
Lorenzo Controzzi : Drums

Artwork Hervé Peroncini – Photo Broadcash Lorenzo Ricci – Photo Bobby Solo Francio Ferrari




Sono al loro esordio su singolo, ma non sono certo dei novellini i Thinglers, di cui Area Pirata ha pubblicato il singolo omonimo. Quattro pezzi di garage sixties immediato e suonato a rotta di collo dalla band di Pordenone, nata dalle ceneri degli storici Seuss. Il primo lato dal singolo mette in fila “Hangin’ out” (cover dei Blox) e l’originale “Leave me alone”: due brani che ci riportano immediatamente ai beai tempi del revival garage di metà Anni Ottanta, fra Sick Rose e Miracle Workers. Il menù non cambia di una virgola neppure con “Come on” degli Atlantics e l’altro brano originale “Without you”, sul secondo lato. Beat suonato a manetta e imbastardito dal punk, soprattutto nei due pezzi a firma della band di Pordenone. Le melodie degli Anni Sessanta incontrano la furia degli Anni Settata-Ottanta: un mix perfetto che magari non aggiunge molto alla lezione impartita da raccolte come “Pebbles” e “Back from the grave”, ma di cui è davvero difficile stancarsi. Anche in questo caso attendo con ansia un disco sulla lunga distanza, anche perché i due pezzi originali, con quel pizzico di furia in più rispetto alle cover, sembrano scritti appositamente per me.

Diego Curcio – Hello Bastards blog 02/11/2018

Bobby Solo non ha bisogni di presentazioni se non per il fatto che è uno dei migliori interpreti di country e rock ‘n’ roll in Italia, a cui si aggiunge la devozione smisurata per Johnny Cash (a cui dedicò anche un disco di covers). Ora si unisce alla band toscana che da anni tributa al grande artista americano concerti impeccabili e insieme ripropongono quattro classici di Johnny Cash da “Walk the line” a “Folsom Prison Blues”. Splendido.

Antonio Bacciocchi – RadioCOOP 07/11/2018

That Johnny Cash, the unique and unattainable man in black, is a true icon, almost more on an attitudinal level than simply musical, of rock’n’roll I think is undeniable also for the greengrocer under my house.

That the myth of him is still very strong in 2018 is therefore not questionable, just as we certainly cannot “blame” anyone who, out of too much love, still proposes his immortal songs today. If these very valid Broadcash are bringing them back, you can’t help but put this 10″ on the plate and enjoy it fully without having any problems whatsoever. In their rediscovery of the genius of Arkansas, our band are accompanied on vocals by a character that no one would have never dreamed of seeing Bobby Solo associated with a proudly punk label like Area Pirata.

Yes, you understood correctly, I’m talking about Mr. Roberto Satti, the man from Una lacrima sul viso, who at the beautiful age of 73 proves not only that he still has a loud voice (that would be the least) but above all of wanting to get involved and wanting to participate in a project for the pure pleasure of doing it and to demonstrate that his interpretation can not disfigure even in the presence of a giant like Cash. The pieces proposed

are four super classics of Cash’s production and, seeing is believing as Guido Angeli said, they hold up very well in comparison with the originals, yet another proof that if you possess shovels of competence and dedication anything is possible. Complete the artwork created by Hervé Peroncini and don’t tell me you don’t know who he is because I’ll give you a headbutt.

Don’t miss out on this true cult object for two reasons:
1) it’s worth it,
2) One day you will be able to proudly show the guests of your house a record released by Area Pirata where Bobby Solo sang and make fun of whoever gave you of the madman unaware that even the strangest marriages can work and even very well.

Rating 7.5/10
Luca Calcagno – IYE.ezine 11/15/2018

Everyone knows Johnny Cash and he needs no introduction, this year we are celebrating 50 years since the release of the live album “Live at Folsom Prison”, a true historical document for the RNR… the opportunity to celebrate was seized upon by BroadCash, a band that has been playing the pieces of the great Johnny for years with a high level vocalist… Bobby Solo… precisely the one with the tear on his face… the result is astonishing, in fact Bobby at the venerable age of 73 has a verve and a voice that risks disheveling some “rebel” youngsters. The songs are Cry,Cry,Cry, I Walk the Line, Big River and Folsom Prison Blues. The band and Bobby the spectacular frontman are a real pleasure!

Stefano Ballini – Trippa Shake Webzine 11/16/2018

In a fiery concert in Pisa, the rock’n’roll band Broadcash and Bobby Solo met and a perfect understanding was born, because they shared an enormous love for Johnny Cash, so they decided to publish this EP with four songs by the late rocker USA. Finally the rock’n’roll streak of one of the legends of Italian rock comes out, forced on television to always make cloying songs, but who in reality only lives for rock’n’roll, also assisted by Broadcash who have nothing to be envied by the best country-rock bands overseas. Since this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the release of Cash’s indispensable album “Live at Folsom Proson”, for this EP the choices were “Cry, cry, cry”, “I walk the line”, “Big river” and “Folsom prison blues”. All faithful to the original versions. And it’s a nice feeling, let yourself be carried away by this evergreen country-rock’n’roll!

Vittorio Lanutti – Freak Out 07/31/2019
